General Operating Fund

$168,059.91 donated
734 Donors

Help sustain the programs and efforts run by Welcome Home that help asylees and refugees as they resettle in their new home.

Donations to the general operating fund support:

  • Transportation for families to and from our meeting site in Jersey City.
  • Community dinners, which provides a meal to all attendees.
  • Childcare for clients and volunteers during Welcome Home events.
  • Individualized homework help for children.
  • Conversational ESL practice and tutoring for adults.
  • Our email campaigns and web hosting.

Welcome Home is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.

Your Donation

46 comments on “General Operating FundAdd yours →

  1. This donation is in memory of my grandfather, Charles Greenwald, on the anniversary of his death. He came here as an infant from Poland in the early 20th Century to escape the pogroms that targeted the Jewish population. Thank you for all you do to welcome and support refugees.

  2. For Pizza on 8-8-19. I will also bring a tray of cookies and a bottle of lemonade & water.
    Let me know if you need anything else.

  3. Welcome home is a heartwarming place for refugees to meet and get support in Jersey City. I am so happy to be able to contribute to this organization during the 2019 holiday season.

  4. I just want to do something for the children who are so innocent and precious. God bless you all in this organization for the work you do for refugees and their children. God bless you Alaina for all you do that goes unspoken. You are the Angel among us.β™₯οΈπŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸ˜

  5. Missing my weekly ESL students and their families. Please use this donation toward needed Chromebooks .

  6. Please, use this donation to assist our refugee families in whatever way you feel would be most beneficial. Do let them know that teacher Sue misses them.

  7. For Giving Tuesday 12/1/2020 I was happy to donate to your organization. I saw some of the wonderful photos taken by your teenagers in their photo class. Expression and creativity is a vital outlet. Superb programs.

  8. We are donating in honor of Aaron Fichtner and Heather Ciociola, who are dedicated to helping to make the world a better place. Thank you for all you do.

  9. this donation is in memory of Guy Alain Gilbert Mentha, father of Alain, Amelie and Jennifer Strong Mentha on the death of Alain’s father,

  10. Thank you for your great and important work. I’m making this donation in memory of the dedicated Director Alain Mentha’s father, Guy whose values, life and example are inspiring. Alain is a member of the temple that I’m a member of also, Temple Beth-El in JC.
    Sam Pesin

  11. This $40 donation is towards pizza for Thursday 7/22/21 Fun Club at Lincoln Park. Our daughter, Sofia Ciandella, will be volunteering on that day as well. Thank you for your organization!

  12. Thank you for all the wonderful work your organization does and thank you christine for introducing me to this organization!

  13. The donation I just made is made with love and respect for Alain Mentha, and is from his many fans at HIAS present and past: Rebecca Kirzner, Janna Diamond, Russ Agdern, Naomi Steinberg, Liz Mandelman, Isabel Burton and Merrill Zack. We give in gratitude for all that Alain does on behalf of refugees, and in honor of his leadership, compassion, and optimism that we can create the world we want to be part of, and not just accept the world as it is. xoxoxo

  14. I am donating in Alain’s memory.
    He did so much for the community and we were all rooting for him.
    May his name be a blessing.

  15. The donation I just made is in memory of Alain Mentha, with love from Adam, Susan, Lily, and Zoe Sendroff.

  16. This donation is in memory of Alain. He was an example to us all, a light in the darkness. Peace to his family. He was a personal inspiration to me.
    Jeffrey Dreiblatt and William Walker

  17. We are so sorry that our community has lost Alain Mentha, who has done so much for so many.
    Our hearts are with Jennifer and Amelie and his mom and brother. Alain’s memory is a blessing.
    Robin and Alex Schkrutz

  18. I am a retired immigration attorney, and Alain and I have been friends from afar for a long time. He was a very sweet and intelligent man.

  19. Donating in Alain’s memory. May his memory always be a blessing to his family and all of those he has helped.
    The Bleich Family

  20. Donation in honor of Alain Mentha, the most courageous community leader and role model. Thank you and may your service live on!

  21. The Aspire Giving Circle mourns the loss of Alain, and is contributing our quarterly gifts in his honor and memory. He was an exceptional human being who not only talked about helping others but put those words into action every single day. Our Giving Circle, which focuses on helping refugee and immigrant families, considered him an inspiration. We know he will live on in the many people he helped, as well as his wonderful family. We hope that his family and especially his wife and daughter find comfort in the love that he put out into the world; this love remains.

  22. This donation is in honor of Jill Alexander, who two years ago dedicated her time to helping me achieve my academic dreams. Thank you Jill <3

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